So you are filled with immense wanderlust you say? You have a passion for travel and experiencing all things new, but you don’t want to let go of your other passion of being a teacher. Helping others learn and grow is important too. We hear that, which is why we’re here to break the news that you can do BOTH. Like at the same time? Like...yes! Indulge yourself in an international experience that will make a difference in the lives of others, but also your own. Self love is the bee’s knees after all, and finding a teaching job abroad could be the answer. 

4 Main Types of English Teaching Jobs Abroad

No matter what type of English teaching positions abroad you choose, you’re bound to make a difference!

You might think you’re limited in your choices of jobs for teachers abroad, but in reality choosing the type of job that’s right for you can be surprisingly stressful because there’s so many choices. If you have an idea of what you’re looking for—high five! Don’t be discouraged if you haven’t had much thought. There are lots of things to know, and you’ve come to the right place. But first—coffee, and second—read a little bit about why you should want to teach abroad. 

Why should you teach English abroad? 

We all know one of the biggest perks of teaching abroad, is the fact that you get to go ABROAD. If you’ve always dabbled with the idea of working an international teaching job, you may already know what amazing benefits are awaiting you. Odds are there even more killer reasons for you teach abroad, and we’re here to break it down for you.

  • New routine. Moving to teach in a new country means leaving your old, boring, (well let’s just say less exciting) routine in the past. You will awaken every morning to a new adventure in a new country. Whether you commute to your new school or stay in bed because that’s your new office, each day will hold new discoveries.
  • People like you are in high demand. Don’t want to deal with the increasingly tough job market at home in the States? You don’t have to! The number of jobs for teachers abroad is in the thousands, so instead of sitting around waiting for the right opportunity, take this one now and teach internationally. 
  • Become a better you. You get to experience self growth while simultaneously helping others grow as well. Teaching abroad puts you in a position where you’re thrown into a new place with new people and new customs. It’s your job to learn from them and adapt to this new way of life. It’s a confidence builder in disguise.
  • Make an impact. You obviously have a passion for teaching others if you’re wanting to make this move abroad. Your students are going to be different wherever you go. Whether they’re younger, older, or live life completely different to you, you’re bringing people together under one common goal.

4 ways to breakdown English teaching jobs abroad

You may have thought the range of teaching jobs in another country was a short one, but don’t be fooled! Teaching jobs abroad are not designated to just classroom style, and even if you want to teach in a classroom, there’s multiple options. The range goes as far as where you want to teach, who you want to teach to, how long you want to teach, and your teaching style. Read through all your options first, and discover what type of teaching job abroad is perfect for your lifestyle.

  • By student age. Kids, adults, a little bit of both? You can find English teaching positions abroad based on your preferred age group that you’d like to work with.
  • By the work environment. Want to be employed by a full-time secondary school? Prefer to work for a private enterprise that offers hours nights and weekends? You can also opt to shop for English teaching jobs abroad based on your preferred workplace.
  • By the workload. Similar to the above, your workload will vary based on the location of your TEFL jobs abroad. International schools will typically require more in-person, student-facing hours than a language academy, for instance.
  • By your qualifications. If you don’t speak English natively, you will have more limited options for teaching the subject to students abroad. If you have a masters degree, you’ll have tons more opportunities at your fingertips. 

Read on to learn more about these typical ways to break down your different options for English teaching positions abroad.

By student age

4 Main Types of English Teaching Jobs Abroad

If kids are your thing, you can definitely find early childhood education jobs overseas!

Teaching children

Teaching abroad gives you the option to work with students of all ages. You could find yourself in a classroom with young kids, as English is being taught at younger ages in a lot of countries. If you fancy a classroom of kiddos then you may have the most fun with this type of ESL job. Activities will be about early development like learning the alphabet and making up fun crafts. If this sounds like you, you’ve got some amazing little ones awaiting your help!

Teaching teenagers

If you want to teach a group that’s already a bit more developed, try teaching teenagers! Sound scary? Don’t be intimidated by the teenage years—these kids are ready for more advanced learning. When you work with teens you’ll help them develop a broader vocabulary, and even help navigate the depths of literature and writing essays. There are tons of jobs for teachers abroad that focus on middle school and high school aged kids. Take a look at this job in China for some inspiration.

Teaching English to adults and college students

Did you know there was a market for teaching English to adults?! You can find international teaching jobs for all ages. Business English focuses on teaching the language of international relations. You’ll help people hone skills that will take them further in the world of business. Whether this is you teaching someone the tricks to a standout resume, or working on interview skills, you could be the difference between someone advancing their career! This program in Thailand does just that.

By the work environment

4 Main Types of English Teaching Jobs Abroad

Do you want to work at a formal school abroad, or do you prefer a language academy, for instance?

The different types of teaching jobs abroad also vary by where you can work. Knowing the difference between public and private schools will be essential for the experience you’re looking to have as a teacher abroad. 

Public schools and government programs

Public schools (usually referred to as Government schools) are perfect for the teacher searching for something more concrete, such as more support and a set contract. Government teaching programs are generally more competitive, and can be a process to even apply, However, they are stable jobs and stand out on any resume. 

Private schools and language academies

Private schools and language academies are different in that they’re privately run English teaching centers, sometimes referred to as language academies. These schools concentrate on immersion, and teachers in private schools typically make more money than those who teach in public. It’s important to note that working in a private school may mean you give more of your time, so time for holiday can be less than if you worked for a public school or university. It’s important that where you work is the best fit for you. Do you want to be more full time? A private school could be the answer to that. 

Tutoring one-on-one

If you prefer to work one-on-one with students, finding English tutoring jobs abroad is for you. This intensive, focused program format can help you maximize the learning potential of your pupils—and is a great avenue towards a meaningful, deep friendship with your students, too! Be prepared though: You don’t have the normal everyday distractions of a group or a full classroom, so you need to have extra lessons and activities ready to go in your back pocket at all times.

International schools

You can also find teaching jobs abroad in international schools. These are typically more full-time gigs with a full workload, requiring you to be facing students for 35+ hours weekly depending on your school. If you are looking to teach English abroad for multiple years or desire being a lifelong educator, these are great teaching jobs overseas for certified teachers that could be a good career move for you.

Interested in the public school sector? Check out this amazing English teaching job in Chile. You’ll work with students looking to improve their English, but you may walk out with some Spanish speaking skills of your own. What about the private side of things? Try your hand at teaching in Dubai! With competitive pay for ESL teachers, you could land your dream job abroad.

By your workload

4 Main Types of English Teaching Jobs Abroad

Do you want to spend a lot of your free time prepping for lessons? Grading papers?

How heavy your work schedule is will depend on what you want your free time to look like. 


If you’re interested in teaching abroad part time, with more availability to travel at a moments notice, then looking into short-term contracts or evening, weekend gigs can be a fulfilling option. You will often work for 10+ hours a week (not including prep time). 

Teaching English online

Want even more flexibility in your schedule? International teaching jobs that are online will be right up your alley. The amazing thing about teaching online is that it can be done from anywhere in the world! This allows you immense freedom in choosing your own hours, where you teach, and even what your wearing. Fancy staying in your pj’s all day? Well you may find yourself teaching from the comfort of your bed. Count yourself lucky… and cozy! One thing to note is that there is a requirement for teaching abroad online. A TEFL certification, which stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language, is not only required for your new online job, but is going to ensure that you get paid well doing so. 

Full-time English teaching jobs abroad

Another way to venture off the full time teaching route is to become a one-on-one tutor. This is a perfect option if you are wanting to live in a foreign country and have the luxury of making your own schedule, but still getting to be involved with your students. If you think tutoring could be the one, check out this program happening in Japan. 

By your qualifications

4 Main Types of English Teaching Jobs Abroad

What types of English teaching positions abroad are you qualified for?

Different countries will ask different requirements of new hires for English teaching jobs abroad.

No degree required

For instance, in locations like China, Chile, India, and Romania, you can get hired for English teaching jobs abroad without a degree

Degree and experience necessary

Other countries, where you’re more likely to make bank as an English teacher abroad, will have more stringent qualification requirements—upwards of a degree plus relative teaching experiences. This especially rings true for full-time jobs in places in the Middle East like the Qatar.

Native English capabilities

Non-native English speakers can still find plentiful English teaching jobs abroad in destinations like Cambodia, Argentina, and China, but will need to steer clear of destinations like Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Those destinations only hire native English speaking teachers.

Volunteering teaching positions

Volunteer teaching opportunities, which are most prevalent in African locations like South Africa or Tanzania, will have the least requirements for new TEFL teachers. So long as you speak English, whether natively or learned, these destinations could likely use your help and skills.

You need a TEFL certificate

More than anything, you should anticipate needing a TEFL certificate to improve your job prospects and breeze past qualification requirements. Many jobs will include this training as part of the package, or you can opt to complete the certification on your own time through an online TEFL training.

Where are the most popular places to find a variety of teaching jobs abroad?

4 Main Types of English Teaching Jobs Abroad

Find English teaching jobs abroad in exciting locations, like Korea!

Deciding on the place you want to teach is going to make a difference to not only yourself, but how well you are going to do your job. It’s important that you’re in an environment that excites you, therefore letting you be the best teacher you can be. Choosing what foreign destination you want to work in might be the most thrilling, and most difficult choice you make. Every place is a gem in itself—but think about what YOU’RE looking for. Here are some of the most popular and well reviewed places you can plant your feet as an international teacher!

  • South Korea. The economy in South Korea is growing rapidly, and they’re willing to pay big bucks for people like you. Well, you might not be up to your ears in cash, but with programs like this one in South Korea, you can have high pay, paid vacation, free housing, and bonuses! The perks are worth the long travel to the other side of the world, making it one of the best countries to teach abroad and save money. 
  • Spain. Ahh, the sun, the shine, the sandy beaches! Not only is one of the most aesthetically pleasing countries to teach in, but also one of the most competitive. You could be a lucky chosen one to teach in Spain with the more education and teaching experience you already have. This might be a country for teaching veterans, and the reward for higher pay is worth the extra effort. Check out these jobs for teachers abroad in Espana!
  • Japan. A very business oriented country, Japan offers a wide range of types of teaching jobs abroad. From working with young students, all the way up to senior citizens, teaching opportunities are everywhere. This is a place that offers it all, so if you’re still struggling to pick your ideal position, Japan might have the right mix of what you’re looking for. From tutoring, to business English, to working with preschoolers, these programs in Japan will fulfill your teaching dreams! 
  • UAE. Another country with a booming economy thanks to the oil industry, the United Arab Emirates is also a country looking to improve English speaking for business needs. It’s also a place where international teachers can make monthly salary of $4,000. Say What?! Yes. And it’s also tax free. Positions are available in numerous types of schools, so you can live out your passion doing exactly what you want to do. Discover more about jobs for teachers abroad in UAE.

[View ALL the Places You Can Find Teach Abroad Programs]

You’re ready to choose the right teaching jobs abroad for you!

4 Main Types of English Teaching Jobs Abroad

Grab friends and have them help you figure out which is the right teaching job for YOU.

Hopefully by now you’ve decided that you definitely should teach abroad, but more importantly you have a great understanding of all the things you can do! There’s never been a better time for you to break out of your comfort zone and find an international teaching job that lets you fulfill your traveling dreams and live out your passion for teaching. 

After all, you’re changing the world one child (or adult) at a time, and you should be proud to share that with people from all ends of the globe. Now that you know how many amazing types of teaching jobs abroad there are, it’s time to get planning...and packing! Take a bite out of that apple now—you may be in for some different treats with your new job abroad.

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